Ahsan Ali
PhD Fellow
Affiliation: Montana State University, USA
Research Interests: My interests lie in the intersection of geometry and analysis. Currently, I am most interested in geometric measure theory which is inter-connected with many fields like PDEs, analysis, dynamical systems, probability theory and many more. I have also done a research project on self-similar and self-affine sets which are a special class of fractal sets.
Why I joined Math Volunteers?: I come from a well-educated background and have went to the best schools and university in Karachi. Since the institutions were the best, they were equally pricey and from a very young age, I have been very aware of the financial and social pressures a student, along with their family, goes through during their studies. It is my personal belief that access to good guidance and education can change a person's destiny. Motivated with this belief, I feel that my work with Math Volunteers is capable of changing a deserving student's life as well as improve the field of mathematics by adding diversity. My favourite quote is 'Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard'.
Roles at Math Volunteers: Documents Reviewer (2024-), Finance Director (2023-2024), Lecturer, Scholarships Guidance
Course(s) offered at Math Volunteers: Measures and Fractal Sets
Personal Website: Ahsan Ali (google.com)