MVSRs Trainings

How to write a fomal email?

Training on "How to Write a Formal Email" equips individuals with effective communication skills in personal, academic, and professional contexts, promoting adaptability, professional growth, legal compliance, and global communication effectiveness. 

View the slides from here 

How to write a academic blogs/essays?

Training on "How to Write Academic Blogs/Essays" is crucial for students seeking scholarships and entering research, as it hones critical thinking, research, and communication skills while enabling them to effectively share insights, articulate ideas coherently, and engage with a wider audience for academic and professional development. 

Read recent blogs from our MVSRs

How to create student portfolios on Google Sites?

Training on "How to Create Student Portfolios on Google Sites" is crucial as it equips students with a valuable digital skill, enabling them to showcase their achievements and improve their digital literacy, enhancing their prospects for internships, jobs, and further education. 

Watch the video tutorial here

How to create student portfolios on goofle sites?

Giving team tasks to MVSRs is essential for leveraging diverse skills and achieving collective goals effectively, and training on "How to Work in Teams on Google Docs" is important for fostering collaborative teamwork and enhancing students' ability to create high-quality shared documents. 

Watch the video tutorial here

Presentation skills

Presentation skills training is crucial in this context because it equips students with the ability to effectively communicate their research, ideas, and qualifications, which is essential for admission interviews, academic conferences, and successful completion of their Ph.D. programs. In each weekly session of trainings, alongside the training, we asked four students to present a mathematical topic of their choice. 

Learning to work in LaTeX and Overleaf

Providing LaTeX and Overleaf training to bachelor's and master's students of Mathematics is essential because it equips them with a powerful and standard tool for document preparation in academia, enabling them to create professional, well-structured, and visually appealing mathematical documents, which are highly valued in research, coursework, and publications within the field of mathematics. 

Team tasks on core topics in mathematics

Writing tasks for preparation for IELTS

How to Write Cover Letter for Scholarships/Jobs

Writing Mathematical Docuemnts in LaTeX/Overleaf